

The aim is to add, as a starting point in the dev env (docker containers), a High Availability PorstgreSQL cluster with replication, load balancing and failover. This whould consist in a Master (primary) for the write operations and 2 secondaries(standby) with load balancing for the read only operations.

Available strategies

There are several available strategies for different scenarios: comparison of different solutions

Key points for the first experimentations

  • Synchrone replication (less asynchrone as possible).
  • Minimal risk of data loss.
  • Service level replication: no Shared Disk Failover : material failure or I/O errors would be sahred too. File System Replication (see DRDB) could be used as a failover solution but not for replication.
  • Keep as simple as possible : replication of the entire database, no data partitioning (i.e.: tables splitted into set) and consequently no Parallel Query Execution.
  • No risk of data loss: discard Trigger-Based Primary-Standby Replication as according to the documentation “there is possible data loss during fail over”.
  • Hot secondaries: the replication need to be synchronous for the load balancing.
  • Transparent: no adaptation of the code or queries to the used strategy. This discard the SQL-Based Replication Middleware, adapation of function like CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and transactions must be managed for all servers independently.
  • No multi masters.

Tested strategy

The first tested strategy is Write-Ahead Log Shipping. In a second step, Logical Replication (table level replication) and Synchronous Multimaster Replication could be tested. NB: This is not implemented directly in Postgres, it has to be implemented in the app code. In a third step, we could experiment Data Partitioning and Multiple-Server Parallel Query Execution.

Write-Ahead Log Shipping

Two implementations: Log-Shipping and Streaming Replication. The last one will be used as there is less latency.

Streaming replication

  • Principle: WALL replication
  • Small delay (smaller than with log-shipping)
  • archive_timout not required (data loss window)
  • wal_keep_size this has to be set carrefully (large enough): if WAL segment are recycled to quickly, the standby server has to be reinitialized.

Implementation steps


  1. Creates a postgresql replication user and allow connection to replication database from secondaries.
  2. Creates (replication slots)[]{:target=”_blank”} for each secondary.
  3. Activate the (continuous archieving)[]{:target=”_blank”}. NB.: the folder where the WAL files are copied must not be hosted on the primary.


  1. Restore each secondary from a primary (backup)[]{:target=”_blank”}
  2. Create a file called standby.signal in the data dierctory of each secondary.
  3. Modify the file postgresql.conf of each secondary to set the connextion info to the primary and the copy command (for WAL restoring)

Docker implementation

  • The archive directory is a docker volume mounted on the primary and secondaries.
  • The modified postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf (Primary & Secondaries - step 3) are mounted via docker.
  • The sql initialization of the primary is executed via a docker entry point (Primary - step 1).
  • For the secondaries, the data base initialization and the creation of standby.signal is handled in the docker command of the service.