Installation notes
The installation method used is Custom Install with Docker Compose. In this installation mode a directory structure has to be created. It is not mentionned in the doc but under debian like distros, the owner/groups of some folders have to be adjusted (this could probably done via the docker file too).
/gravitee ├── docker-compose-apim.yaml ├── apim-gateway │ ├── logs graviteeio (user defined in the image with the uid 1000) │ └── plugins ├── apim-management-api │ ├── logs systemd-resolve systemd-journal │ └── plugins ├── apim-management-ui │ └── logs ├── apim-portal-ui │ └── logs systemd-resolve systemd-journal ├── elasticsearch │ └── data └── mongodb └── data systemd-coredump systemd-coredump
OIDC integration with CAS
Create a resource of type OAuth2:
Fetch the access token. For instance this can be done via an url of the form: -
Test with curl: curl -H “Authorization: Bearer AT-6-CBX0teJBhCM5VECay3JBgj78UCuPbttL” http://localhost:8082/cas-oidc
Gravitee does not seem to send the Content-Type in the Header of the introspect query.
As a consequence the query is rejected with an HTTP Error 415 (CAS server) and with an HTTP Error 401 (Gravitee). The Apache’s module fortensic can be use to log the headers.
The Transform headers policy of Gravitee does not seem to be triggered for the introspection queries. A solution could be to add it via Apache (module Headers):
<VirtualHost *:443> (...) <Location /cas/oidc/introspect> RequestHeader set Content-type "application/json" </Location> (...) </VirtualHost>